Wall mounted rail systems

No more thinking about nails or screws to hang something on the wall. There are more than 70 smarter solutions for a wall, wall or screen

Wall mounted rail systems

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  • Categories: Lighting Rail

Don't do violence to your wall, wall or screen, but choose from the numerous professional and smart hanging solutions. Not only at home but also in the office, corridors, representative rooms, classrooms, museums and galleries.

A short summary? The well-known picture hanging rails for easy and safe hanging of your works of art, clamping or info rails for varying information, rails for photo panels where the work of art comes loose from the wall, light rails for optimal illumination, not to mention the wooden rails for easy hooks and click panels for presentations. To take you on a tour of our “hanging-domain” we will take a look at the more than 70 possibilities and tools:

  • Of course first the mini- and the basic rail, on which a lot can be hung.
  • Clamping rails for paper that does not require adhesive tape or a paper clip.
  • The J-rail gallery, where the rod is inserted at the top.
  • Playing with light is perfectly possible with the help of the lighting rail.
  • The wooden painting rail, classic but also timeless.
  • No more magazines lying around with the magazine rail.
  • Your photo panel comes free from the wall with the DiBond rail.
  • Photo shelf rail has a minimalist design and is available in various colours.
  • The Plaster Rail can be fully integrated into a new wall to be plastered, making it virtually invisible.
  • Our Z-Bar rails make hanging heavy objects even easier.
  • And finally our carpet hanging rail, to hang a tapestry or rug easily and quickly.

You may know the sigh: “How am I going to hang that?”. The answer is to calmly scroll through the solution page. You may find what you are looking for very quickly or you will be inspired by the wide range to choose an even more suitable alternative.